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Jul 18, 2024
1 min read

Colonna Contemporary X SuperRare: “The Myth of Success” by Egodead

Jul 18, 2024
1 min read



Colonna Contemporary X SuperRare: “The Myth of Success” by Egodead

About the Artist:

Nishant Malhotra, Egodead, an Indian American artist raised in California's Bay Area and now based in New York City, explores surreal expressionism as a means of meditation. His paintings delve into themes of self-identity and ego, challenging viewers to contemplate our interconnectedness and shared consciousness. Through intricate symbolism and a unique style, Nishant invites us to introspectively explore the complexities of human existence and the universal quest for oneness.

About the Collection - "The Myth of Success"

This collection dives into the paradoxical nature of existence. Each piece challenges the viewer to confront the weight of the crushing pressure of societal constructs and expectations, juxtaposed against the innate human desire for individuality and self-expression.

Through a series of energetic paintings, the collection exposes the disillusionment that arises from the relentless pursuit of material wealth and corporate success. It portrays the mistaken identities we adopt in our quest for validation, highlighting the over glorification of the ego and the inherent attachment to material possessions.

This series aims to capture the  journey of individuals who realize the futility of defining self-worth through external measures. It confronts the uncomfortable truth of being mere pawns in the relentless machine of consumption, urging viewers to question their place in the grand scheme of existence.

Ultimately, "The Myth of Success” is a reflection on the human condition, inviting contemplation on the surrender to monolithic organizations and the revelation of self-discovery amidst the chaos of modern life.

“The Myth of Success”: LOGOMANIA

This series of paintings explores the profound transformation individuals undergo within corporate environments. Each canvas portrays the journey of individuals who, once unique and autonomous, become assimilated into the fabric of the companies they serve. It delves into the loss of personal identity as they conform to corporate norms, symbolizing the process of becoming pawns in a larger organizational structure. Yet, amidst this assimilation, there's a poignant exploration of how these individuals redefine themselves within the framework of the organization they represent. “Logomania” captures the complexities of corporate identity and the human experience within modern workplaces. 

“The Myth of Success”: CLARITY

This series of paintings delves into the inquiry of what constitutes true success, challenging the conventional notion that it is synonymous with material wealth or achievement. Through a blend of figurative and abstract elements, evoking introspection on success as an intangible concept—an emotion, a state of being, and a reflection of purpose.

The series navigates from the overt materialism depicted in "The Myth of Success: LOGOMANIA" towards a deeper exploration of existential themes. The figures in the paintings gradually dissolve into abstract forms, symbolizing a transcendence beyond material concerns and corporate identities. The incorporation of distorted logos subtly critiques the pervasive influence of commercialism while emphasizing the daily struggle of individuals caught within societal systems.

Ultimately, these artworks invite viewers to question societal constructs of success and contemplate the essence of fulfillment. They portray feelings like love and bliss—undefinable and beyond material acquisition—through expressive abstract compositions, offering a visual journey towards understanding the profound nature of true success. 

16” x 20”
Acrylic & Pastel on Canvas

.3 ETH

IMG_0831“The Infinite Chase”
36” x 48”
Acrylic & Pastel on Canvas

.42 ETH

16” x 20”
Oil Pastel & Charcoal on Canvas

.3 ETH

16” x 20”
Acrylic and Charcoal on Canvas

.3 ETH

IMG_0832“ i’m losin’ it “
Acrylics, Charcoal, Pastel
16” x 20” 

.3 ETH

IMG_0834“Here - N - Now”
16” x 20”
Acrylic & Pastel on Canvas

.3 ETH

IMG_0829“The Illusion of Separateness”
36” x 48”
Oils, Acrylics, Charcoal, & Pastel
1.369 ETH

IMG_0828“Failing Upward”
36” x 48” 
Oil Stick, Pastel, Charcoal, & Acrylic

1.369 ETH

IMG_0830“Intangible Bliss”
36” x 48” 
Oil Stick, Pastel, Charcoal, & Acrylic

1.369 ETH